Medical Justice submits evidence to the second Shaw review into the welfare in detention of vulnerable people.

The Shaw review’s “Review into the welfare in detention of vulnerable persons” was published in January 2016 and concluded that too many people were detained for too long, that existing safeguards were inadequate and that the system was in urgent need of reform. Following on from this highly critical report Stephen Shaw was commissioned to carry out a second review to assess the Home Office response to the findings of the first report, including the implementation of all its 64 recommendations.


Medical Justice is concerned that little improvement has been seen, that the significant reduction in the use of immigration detention has failed to materialize and that the Adults at Risk policy, one of the major policies introduced in response to the Shaw review, is actually leading to more, not less, vulnerable people being detained for longer periods of time. We are also concerned that we have not seen any significant improvements in healthcare provision and that the number of deaths, including self-inflicted deaths, have increased dramatically since the publication of the first review.


We submitted detailed evidence based on our ongoing casework to the second Shaw review. Find full submission here.