Home Office

Medical Justice provides submissions to Home Office consultations on policy and guidance, regularly participates in the Home Office’s National Asylum Stakeholder Forum, and occasionally provides feedback on Home Office staff training and workshops.  Medical Justice has on occasion had bilateral meetings with the Home Office and frequently corresponds with it.

NHS England (commissions healthcare in immigration removal centres)

We are the only NGO consulted by NHS England on its Service Specifications for healthcare provision. Our recommendations have been accepted; changes have been made that benefit all those who are detained.

Parliamentary work

Medical Justice makes submissions to parliamentary committees and inquiries and produces briefings for parliamentary debates and bill amendments. See further information here. Medical Justice provides the secretariat for the All Party Parliamentary Group on Immigration Detention.

Government-led and independent inquiries and reviews examining certain elements of the conditions of immigration detention – a few examples include ;

Medical Justice made submissions to Stephen Shaw’s Reviews into the Welfare in Detention of Vulnerable Persons, we contributed to the Independent investigation into concerns about Yarl’s Wood immigration removal centre, and took part in the workshop arranged by the Tavistock Institute for its Review of Mental Health Issues in Immigration Removal Centres.

Official monitoring bodies

Medical Justice has a working relationship with the official bodies who monitor immigration detention sites including the Independent Monitoring Boards (IMBs).  We have influenced the inspection methodologies of HM Inspector of Prisons (HMIP), the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration (ICIBI).  We are members of the ICIBI’s Refugee and Asylum forum and its Adults at Risk forum, and provide submissions for its annual inspection of the functioning of the Home Office’s Adults at Risk policy.

Public Inquiries

Medical Justice is a Core Participant in the Brook House IRC Public Inquiry which has been set up to investigate the abuse of detained people at Brook House Immigration Removal Centre.