Medical Justice basics training day.
Our next “basics” training day for clinicians interested in volunteering with Medical Justice is on 14th March 2020.
Our training is for medics who are interested in volunteering for Medical Justice as medico-legal report writers, visiting detainees in detention centres, assessing their health and documenting evidence of torture or trauma and other health issues.
The aim of this course is to gain an understanding of the health and legal needs of asylum seekers and other immigration detainees. Whilst the focus is on persons detained, the skills learnt can be used in other work with asylum seekers and refugees, as well as medico-legal report writing.
The training covers the relevant legal processes, assessing scarring and mental health and report writing skills.
Participants will have a basic understanding and experience of the needs of immigration detainees and/or care of asylum seekers in the community and will be doctors (5 years post qualification training; ie. GP or ST4 and above, or equivalent clinical experience) and psychologists.
Medical Justice is a small charity that sends volunteer doctors (and other health professionals) into the UK’s 7 IRCs to visit men, women and children detained arbitrarily and indefinitely. We assist about 1,000 detainees a year, most of whom are asylum seekers, and most are later released. Our volunteer doctors write medico-legal reports (MLRs) documenting scars of torture and challenge instances of inadequate healthcare provision, including denial of medication and access to hospital. We are the only charitable organisation in the UK that does this. Our training is therefore unique and provided by experienced doctors in the field.
Participation Fees
On request, fees are reimbursed after the doctor has written an MLR for a Medical Justice referral
£120 – Consultant/GP
£80 – Trainee doctors (ST4 onwards) and psychologists
Free – Medical Justice volunteer (carried out one detention visit in last 6 months)
Note: please tell us if you would have difficulties paying a fee – we can help.
You can pay by electronic transfer to us at
CAF Bank
Sort-code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 0002 1167
or by posting a cheque made payable to ‘Medical Justice Network Ltd’ to Medical Justice, 86 Durham Road, London N7 7DT.
Registration Information Needed
Please email with the following information to register and book your place:
Current employment (post and employer)
Mobile no.
Email address
Any dietary requirements or special needs