Medical Justice is indescribably relieved that our clients were taken off the plane to Rwanda last night.
Medical Justice has 26 clients in detention with Notices of Intent to remove to Rwanda. 11 were issued with Removal Directions for yesterday’s fight. Over the last few days, many of these Removal Directions were cancelled. 3 clients were amongst the 7 people taken to the plane for Rwanda. They were all later taken off the flight and taken back to immigration detention.
We are immensely grateful to our outstanding casework team and our dedicated volunteer clinicians who carried out medical assessments for our clients and wrote medico-legal reports which were then used by our clients brilliant legal representatives.
Dr Rachel Bingham of Medical Justice explains to Australia’s ABC News expresses concerns about current mental health and histories of torture of our 26 detained clients still under threat of removal to Rwanda
Watch the ABC News clip
Listen to the ABC News radio piece