Medical Justice publishes new resource on Home Office Immigration Detention statistics collated through Freedom of Information Requests.

Medical Justice would like to share with you a new resource that we hope you and your networks will find useful in advocacy work regarding immigration detention. Medical Justice will now bi-annually publish Home Office detention statistics we have collated through regular Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests.

The statistics cover the following thematic areas:

  • Rule 35 reports 
  • Self-harm incidents and Assessment Care and Detention Teamwork (ACDT) 
  • Segregation 
  • Use of Force  

The statistics are now available here


For Medical Justice’s analysis on these and other thematic areas, please see our research reports here.

In particular, our report “If he dies, he dies”: What has changed since the Brook House Inquiry provides more detail and analysis on Rule 35, ACDT and self-harm, Segregation and Use of Force.

We will be regularly publishing information we receive through FOI requests for use by others including – but not limited to – the asylum, refugee and migrant sector, monitoring bodies, the legal sector, in strategic litigation, medical bodies and the media. We also hope it will help strengthen the sector’s advocacy work and also encourage others to also publish information they have received through FOI requests.

Please also forward on this resource to others you think may find it useful.

If you do use this resource, please credit Medical Justice as the source. We also would appreciate it if you could let us know when you use this resource, so we are able to keep track of how widely and well-used it is. Please email our researcher, Ariel, to let her know if you use this resource and also if you have any questions